Bootstrap 4 Templates

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Server360 – Server Monitoring Admin Dashboard

Server360 is one of a kind Server monitoring, website monitoring, API monitoring Admin Dashboard Template. It is a modern and trendy looking dashboard. With modern and stunning UI/UX elements, this template is a perfect package for any of your web project. Clean and Modern Layout 3 Purpose driven unique Dashboards Clean code What benefits do

Dashy| Responsive Admin Dashboard Template

Dashy is a fully responsive admin dashboard template that is built on top of awesome Bootstrap 4.5.2, modern web technology HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery. In this template has 3 different dashboards Sales Monitoring, Website Analytics and Cryptocurrency. It is a clean, modern, simple, and professional design perfect for your dashboard, analytics, and application projects. Awesome

Vurox – React NextJs Admin Template

Vurox is a full-featured premium admin add-ons dashboard template built on top of NextJS a React framework with Redux thunk and multi-language support with developers-friendly coding. Its fully React js dependent and to Jquery included. Vurox is a completely handcrafted, beautiful, clean & minimal designed admin template with Dark, Light Layouts. It’s perfect for web

Materiel – Responsive Bootstrap 4 Dashboard Template

Materialx Admin is a Premium Admin Dashboard template with a modern design concept. Campaign Stats for Quality monitoring. Yearly graph, sales and reviews feature. A fully responsive admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 4.x Framework, modern web technology HTML5 and CSS3. Lightweight and easy customizable which is basically designed for the developers who want to